Hi Hi, my name is Judy. I was born 2:30 in the morning, on September 21, 1978 (hint: I'm expecting something from YOU,) to a set of proud parents, in Taipei, Taiwan (I guess that would mean I was Made In Tawian.) The story of how I ended up in Texas is kinda confusing, so I won't go into the details. Anyways, to simplify the situation, I came to the U.S. the summer before I turned 8 for a short visit, but that short visit became a long visit. We first lived in Houston, Texas and I attended School Of The Woods (a montessori school)from second grade, all the way till eighth grade. Then my family moved to Sugar Land, Texas half way through my eighth grade year so I can attend Clements High School, after I graduated from middle school. So for the next four years, I went to William P. Clements High School. Now, I am presently a business analysis major, at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, which is 90 miles northwest of Houston (this pretty much means, I'm i n the middle of nowhere right now).
TaKe GoOd NoTeS oN tHiS sEcTiOn !!! MUH LOVES drink: tapioca pearl milk tea food: chick-fil-a ice cream: i like them all! =P color: black (it makes me look thinner!) movie: disney movies people: U! (except for longhorns o';'o hehe, j/k, i luv u regarless, even if u r a longhorn!)